Pulse Wave Therapy uses soundwaves to stimulate natural healing by rapidly increasing the blood flow to the injured area. Research supports the relationship between soft tissue injuries and pain reduction with Pulse Wave Therapy.
Your Podiatrist may recommend Pulse Wave therapy as part of your treatment plan, therefore you must have a Lower Limb Musculoskeletal Assessment before booking for in Pulse Wave Therapy.
Why use Pulse Wave Therapy?
Pulse Wave Therapy is now used widely in sports medicine around the globe. It is useful for chronic injuries where other physical therapies have failed or when symptoms linger.
Are there any side effects?
No serious complications or side effects have been reported.

What is it used for?
Foot Mechanics Podiatrists may decide to use Pulse Wave Therapy to treat problems like Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendinopathy, Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, Patellar Tendinopathy, Pes Anserine Bursitis and other chronic injuries.
What is the treatment protocol?
The treatment is completed within a 20-minute appointment. Commonly 4 treatments will be required spaced 7-10 days apart for a successful outcome.
Pulse Wave is NOT suitable for patients with a circulation or nerve disorder, infection, bone tumour, metabolic bone condition, open wounds or tumours, if the patient is pregnant or on blood thinning medications.