The Plantar Fascia is a broad band of fibrous tissue which runs along the bottom surface of the foot. It is attached to the heel bone (calcaneous) and fans forward toward the toes. Heel Pain or Plantar Fasciitis is caused by inflammation of the tissues connected to the heel bone due to excessive pulling and stretching of the fibrous bands that support the arch of the foot. Continuation of this irritation can lead to heel pain, arch pain or a bony growth on the bottom of the heel bone called a “heel spur”.
Heel Pain or Plantar Fasciitis pain is most often felt when walking first thing in the morning or after a period of rest. As walking continues the pain may decrease. The pain may disappear when resting, as the plantar fascia is relaxed. The onset of plantar fasciitis is gradual and only mild pain may be experienced initially. If you are saying “my feet hurt when I wake up and walk with the first few steps” or “after sitting for a period of time and then standing up” – you might have plantar fasciitis. Come and see our Podiatrists for a Lower Limb Assessment, we can provide you with a diagnosis and treatment plan.
It is also common from the time we reach our mid-late thirties when we start to lose some of the natural stretch in our tendons. Because the Plantar Fascia (which is a tendon type structure) runs under your arch, all your body weight rests on it whenever you stand. The combination of losing tendon stretch and years of walking makes Plantar Fasciitis a very common foot problem.
If left untreated, Plantar Fasciitis can develop into severe pain that can stop you from weight bearing on your heel.
If your heel pain is causing you discomfort or concern, book an appointment for a Lower Limb Musculoskeletal Assessment. This Assessment is a series of clinical tests to determine the underlying cause of the pain and discomfort you are experiencing. At the end of the assessment, our Podiatrist will give you a treatment plan which may include:
- Anti-inflammatory tablets
- Cold presses or ice packs
- Massage
- Muscle Strengthening Programme
- Prescription Orthotics
- Stretching Exercises Programme
- Shoe Recommendations